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以我的爸爸 My Father为题的作文

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People always say that love from father is as strong as the mountain, which gives us the great strength to move on. In Chinese traditional role, father is described to be a quiet man but the way he loves you can be seen all the time, while love from western father are much obvious. There always hug and kiss between children and parents. My father is a classic quiet father. He doesn't talk much, but he will never miss any moment that is important for me. When I have performance in school, he must be one of the audience, no matter how busy he is. Before I sleep, he will help me check on my homework. I love my father.



关于我的父亲 My Father优秀英语作文

My father is a typical man, who is not very talkative. When other fathers say how much they love their children, my father just keep quiet. He barely says sweet words to me. But he will never miss every important moment for me, like the performance in school. He is always one of the audience and watch my performance. My father tells me to study with passion and he sets the good example for me, because he loves his work. Sometimes he shows me his design of work, and I admire him. I know my father loves me so much. Though he doesn't talk much, he will be right by my side whenever I need him.


以我拥有的东西 The Things I Own为题的作文

As the new semester begins, I have read many inspiring stories about the young talented people made the great achievement. As a student in the middle school, I know I will never become one of them, but I am still proud of the thing I own. Firstly, my parents support me all the time. They just want me to be happy and will never compare me with other children. So when my friends complain about their parents force them to do the things they don't like, I am so thankful to my parents. Secondly, my parents teach me one important merit, which is persistence. Once I have made the target, they inspire me to never give up.


以如何利用我的时间 How to Spend My Time为题的作文

As a middle school student, I have to learn many subjects. I want to keep up with other students, so I study very hard. Sometimes when the holiday comes, I still focus on my study. My friends ask me to have fun with them, and I refuse. Then I realize I am under great pressure all the time, even I can't sleep well. I start to change my schedule. Except for study, I spare some time to relax, such as play basketball with my friends or I will just leave myself doing nothing but enjoying music and movie. Study and play are both important part of my life. I connect them closely and live the happy life.


以在学校我最喜爱的地方 My Favorite Place in School为题的作文

I love reading, which enriches my knowledge and helps me know more about the world. I love the school atmosphere. Students study together here and make progress gradually. My favorite place here is library. I can read many books here. Once I have some questions, I can find a lot of information. We fight for the goal and plan details in the library in group task. I have so many good memories to study here, which makes me so happy. No matter which school I am in, I will always find this quiet corner and study what I like. I love the feelings there.


