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以我的书包 My Schoolbag为题的作文

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I always wanted to change a new schoolbag, but my parents said that the schoolbag I used now was pretty new. So I told them that if I did well in the exam, they should buy me a new one. They were happy to say yes. I studied very hard for my goal. At last, I made great progress and my parents answered my wish.



以我的家乡 My Hometown为题的作文

I live in my hometown for many years before I move to the city. I miss the days when I stay in the countryside. I can see the blue sky and the green trees all the time. Especially the green mountains, they make the world look so lively. Though many years ago people cut down the trees, the green is back to people’s life again with help of the government.


以我的梦想 My Dream为题的作文

When I go to school, my teachers teach me a lot of knowledge and show me the way to explore the world. I admire my teachers so much, so I have made up my mind to be a teacher when I grow up. It is always my dream. I must work hard to realize my dream. From now on, I need to make the plan.


以我的偶像 My Idol为题的作文

Everybody has an idol in their heart, who will set the good example for them. In my eyes, a good idol should bring the positive side to the public, so I don’t mind whether they look pretty. My idol is the real hero. He works so hard and never gives up. His persistence helps him to make the great achievement. I should learn from him.


以我的妈妈 My Mother为题的作文

If people ask me what kind of job is the greatest work in the world, I will tell them housewife job. My mother is doing this work, she gives up her career because the family needs someone to take care. She takes care of my daily life and clean the house. It is such a difficulty but boring work. Only the one with love and patience can do it. I am so thankful to my mother.


