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如何快乐 How to Be Happy 小学英语作文

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Everyone will meet the hard time, and no one can be happy all the time. But if we can find the way to be happy even we face the difficulty, then we will be the happiest person in the world. Listening to the music or watching the comedy are good ways to help us relax. We need to find the way to make us happy.



2022最新优秀英语作文快乐时刻 The Happy Moment

Today is Saturday. I was so happy that my grandparents would come to visit us, because they haven’t seen us for a long time, so they carried some local food. I was so excited to eat my grandma’s food. She always knew my favorite food. We talked happily and I enjoyed the happy moment.


关于当我不开心 When I am Not Happy优秀英语作文

Everybody will have the unhappy moment. It is important for them to deal with the negative emotion. When I am unhappy, I will listen to the songs that I like, and then dance in the room. Or sometimes I will ask my friends to go to the cinema, watching comedy helps me forget about the sorrow. I find my ways to deal with the bad mood.


作文题为我很开心 I am Happy 满分英语作文

Today, the biology class is very different. We don’t need to sit in the classroom, because the teacher takes us to do activities. We go to a field that is near our school, and the task for us is to observe flowers. We feel so excited and finish the task very carefully. It is a good way for us to learn knowledge. I am so happy.


