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手机的使用 The Use of Cellphone英语范文

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When cellphone became popular many years ago, parents and school at first banned students to take cellphone into classroom, but now, even the small child has owned a cellphone. The use of cellphone can't be banned. For students, they get used to keeping cellphone at hand, but the overuse of it can be blamed to their parents. Some parents don't set good examples for their children. When they are together, they just leave cellphones to kids and let them kill the time. If they show the beautiful scenery around and teach kids to appreciate the world. Then cellphone won't take up their time.



关于我对手机的看法 My View on Cell Phone优秀英语作文

Cell phone has been the indispensable part of our life today. For many students, they bring cell phone to school, which annoys many teachers, because the students are not listening to them when they are passing the knowledge. Actually, this situation can't all blame students and teachers have some duty. If they find the attractive way to show knowledge, surely students will focus their attention. It is not possible to ask students to hand in their cell phones, as they get used to using it. Most students will not play cell phone in the classroom, because they know their duty. For the students who can't focus their attention, even without cell phone, they still don't want to study.


以如何利用课余时间 How to Use Free Time为题的作文

As a student, I spend most of the time studying at school, so when I am not in school, I cherish the spared time. I like to watch movies so much, so I will download movies and enjoy the great hours. Sometimes I will ask my friends to come and enjoy movies with me. We can discuss the details. What a great moment for me. I will take a visit of my grandparents every month, though they live far away from me. They are very happy when they see me. Nothing can compare the time with my families. The use of free time makes my life colorful.


冬天 Winter英语范文

I live in the southern area of China, so the winter here is not as cold as other cities. I have never seen snow in my life, but from TV shows, I can see people playing in the snow. It seems very funny. I like warm weather. I can wear less clothes and go out to take part in some activities. Unlike the cold northern cities, where people trend to stay indoors because of the extreme cold weather. I can enjoy warm sunlight. What's more, I can put on many different styles of clothes and be attractive. In all, winter in southern cities is perfect for me.


以课堂上禁止带手机 No Cell Phones In the Classroom为题的作文

There is no doubt that cell phone has been part of our life. We use it to keep in touch with our friends and families. Its functions have been developed a lot as time goes by. Almost every middle school student has a cell phone, but some overuse it. In the classroom, when teachers are presenting knowledge, but the students are lowing down their heads playing cell phone. So the teachers advocate students not to bring their cell phones into classroom. But who can actually make it? It is better to let students realize the overuse of cellphone makes them study with lower efficiency.


尴尬的错误 The Awkward Mistakes精选英语范文

Every year, the Oscar rewarding ceremony always catches the world's attention, people wait for the live show and want to hear the good news of their favorite movies. This year, an awkward mistake happened. When the winner of best film announced, the director and filmmakers were giving their speech, someone realized that the letter was wrong and the real winner was another movie. At this awkward moment, the producer took no hesitation to admit that another movie was winner. He walked away and then sent congratulation. What a gentle man. His great manner impressed the audience. There must be the loss in his heart, but he respected the result and soon accepted the fact.


