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商业书信The Business Letter精选优秀英语作文

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2022最新英语作文国际商业和跨文化International Business and Cross-cultura






写信 Writing A Letter初中英语作文

I have a very good friend, and we knew each other when I was in my hometown. Now as I move to another city, we don’t see each other often, but we keep in touch with each other by writing letters. Though computer provides people a very convenient way to communicate, we like the original way, because we want to share every happy moment. When writing down these things, we can recall of the happy moment again. What’s more, writing a letter is much sincere, which is the important reason why we can keep our friendship. I cherish our friendship so much and hope it can last forever.


一封信 A Letter英语范文

Today, I receive a letter from a good friend. She lives in another city. Though we don’t see each other often, we keep in touch all the time. As we have so many things in common, we share our secrets in the letter. Every time I get a letter from her, I feel so excited. She always tells me some funny things.







i represent mars. i have a striking red appearance. when i am opposite the sun, i am in the most favourable position for viewing. yeh, how handsome i am

the mean distance of me from the sun is about 141 million mi (228 million km); its period of revolution is about 687 days, almost twice that of the earth. at those times when the sun, earth, and i are aligned (i.e., in opposition) and i am at my closest point to the sun (perihelion), its distance from the earth is about 35 million mi (56 million km); this occurs every 15 to 17 years. at oppositions when i am at my greatest distance from the sun (aphelion) it is about 63 million mi (101 million km) from the earth. it rotates on its axis with a period of about 24 hr 37 min, a little more than one earth day.

last and not least, i wish i know more about mars. however, i realize that i don't need to. you really should learn about mars and write something about it in english for your own studies.

good luck!



春节 Spring Festival精选优秀英语作文

Every year, Spring Festival makes me happy, because I can spend a long holiday to stay with my families. On the New Year’s Eve, all the families got together. We woke up early in the morning and then my mother started to purchase some food to prepare the big dinner. I helped my mother to bring the food. Before dinner, there was a tradition in my hometown. We needed to bring the chicken to take a bow to our ancestors, showing our respect and gratitude. When the dinner’s ready, we ate happily and talked a lot. Then at night, the families pasted the New Year’s scrolls and decorated the house. What a harmonious environment and we enjoyed the family hour. In the next few days, I visited a lot of relatives. It was a good chance for us to communicate with each other.


