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我的好朋友 My Good Friend精选优秀英语作文

作文是通过文字来表达自己的目的,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。也希望自己写做的作文言简意赅?这篇我的好朋友 My Good Friend精选优秀英语作文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

I like to make friends. Thus, coming to the new environment, I am so eager to meet cool people here and be friends with them. Li Mei is my good friend, she is a really nice and cool girl. The first time I met her, she was having argument with others, because a young man did the rude things to the old man. She blamed the young man for not apologizing to the old person. I admired her courage and made friends with her. I found she could give the creative idea about hot issues. Her difference makes her stand out. I cherish our friendship.



我理想的工作 My Ideal Job精选优秀英语作文

When the teacher asks me the question of what do I want to be in the future, I would tell him without hesitation that being a teacher is always my dream. This is my ideal job, because the contribution that I can make brings me the greatest happiness. I like reading books so much. Every time when I learn something new and interesting, I'd like to share with my friends. Being a teacher, I will pass the positive information to my students and guide them to be better persons. For my ideal job, I must study hard. Success doesn't come easy. I need to make great progress.


我的同学 My Classmates精选满分英语作文

Since I went to middle school, I have met a lot of interesting friends, and most of them are my classmates. Though we are from different areas and share different interests, we are a group and make progress together. Every time when the school activity comes, we will fight for the group’s honor. Sometimes we will have arguments about making decisions, but once we know our direction, the whole team will spare no effort to finish the task. I like this lovely group. As we study and fight for our future together, no matter where I go, I will remember these lovely classmates.


