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怎样才是好朋友 What Is a Good Friend英语范文

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I remember the first day when I move to the new home, there is girl who lives next to my house. She is very nice and willing to help me solve my problems. Thanks to her, I get used to the new environment soon. I have made many friends, but in my heart, this girl is my best friend. I hope our friendship can last forever.



我的好朋友 My Good Friend精选满分英语作文

I have a good friend. She is a very nice person. The first time I saw her at school, she smiled at me and I like her a lot. When we do homework in a team, we become friends. As we share the same interest, we are close. Now we often hang out for fun and we cherish our friendship so much.


什么是真正的朋友 What is a True Friend 精选优秀英语作文

I have a good friend, and her name is Lucy. We have known each other for more than five years. When I am in trouble, she will be the first one to give me a hand. I am so thankful to her. So when she feels unhappy, I will accompany her. Lucy is a true friend. I hope our friendship can last forever.


我的朋友 My Friend优秀英语作文

I am so lucky to have a friend who knows me well. Her name is Lily. I get to know her when I move here and she lives next to my door. She helps me a lot in getting familiar with the new environment. Sometimes we will have argument, but she always tolerant and I am so thankful to her. I cherish our friendship so much.


