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关于外国人对中国的刻板印象 Foreigners' Stereotype of China满分英语作文

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For foreigners, when it comes to China, they will think about kongfu, giant panda and delicious food. If they ask you whether you eat cats and dogs, you will feel very curious about the question. Actually, most foreigners have the stereotype of China and the people there. When we watch Hollywood movies, we barely see Asian faces, or there exist, the images in the screen always show negative information. Most movies like to create the stereotype, for example, if there is a Chinese student, he or she must be good at math and doesn't like to talk to others. Most foreign people know nothing about China, because they don't have the chance to come to this country and believe in what the media present to them. So the misunderstanding of culture happens and becomes deeper. The way to solve this problem is to enhance communication between countries.



以外国人的中国偶像 Foreigners' Idol In China为题的作文

As China becomes more powerful and the world has focused their attention on this great country, the foreigners are so curious about China, so they come here and most of them can't help falling in love with the culture. Most Chinese must be very curious about if the foreigners have idols in China. Actually, they have. A group of foreigner were asked about this question and most of them said Jacky Chen was their hero. Jacky Chen was awarding the Oscar Life Achievement Award recently. He is the pride of China. Jacky Chen is famous for his Kongfu movies, in which he combines the Kongfu with comedy and the audience likes this style so much. The world knows more about China from his movies. Jacky Chen is a great man. He contributes so much to the society.


与外国人交朋友 Making Friends With Foreigners 满分英语作文

Since I was in primary school, my parents hired a tutor to teach me English, because they knew the importance of the international language. Though I have learned English for many years, I never had the chance to talk to the local people. The chance came as I went to high school. The school had a project to promote the communication between countries, so there were some foreign students studied here for a year. I was lucky to become a foreign student's partner. My job was to assist her in solving the daily problems. We talked in English. At first, I was so nervous and spoke very slowly, then my partner encouraged me and she wouldn't correct me. As we communicate more, she taught me some local language, which made me sounded like a local person. This experience is such valuable for me.


