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作文题为文化误解 The Misunderstanding In Culture优秀英语作文

你肯定有写高中英语作文的时候,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。优秀的作文究竟是怎样抒写的?看完执笔作文网《作文题为文化误解 The Misunderstanding In Culture优秀英语作文》想必你有所收获!

Since I go to high school, I am so excited about English class, because we have a foreign teacher, whose name is Paul. Paul likes to share funny things about how foreigners think about China. The way he talks makes us laugh out loudly. I learn that a lot of foreigners misunderstand our culture. Before they come to China, all they learn about this big country is from media. The media always report the negative sides, such as woman has low status, and Chinese people eat all kinds of animals. When they come to China, what they see is very different. This country is not that poor and people here are very friendly. Foreign people misunderstand our culture, and this situation happens all the time. Of course, we also will misread their culture. It is important to have real communication, so as to get further understanding.



2022最新英语范文传统文化 The Traditional Culture

China is a big old country and it has a history of more than five thousand years. We are proud of its culture and part of the culture even influences the world greatly. For example, the thought of Confucius. As Chinese economy develops very fast and plays an important role in the world, more and more foreigners learn mandarin in Confucius institutions. The essence of Chinese traditional culture can be tested by the time. It units the whole nation and no matter what kinds of disaster comes, we will fight together for the country’s future. Today, many young people lose faith in traditional culture and they are crazy for the western culture. They follow the western fashion and think we are the old style. But some day, they will realize they are wrong to abandon traditional culture.


作文题为我的收藏 My Collection优秀英语作文

My father likes to collect stamps. He has collected more than one hundred stamps. I also like to form the habit to collect things, but mine is different from my father's. I like to keep the travel map after I take a visit of a city. These maps are very interesting, who are showed by all kinds of funny pictures, so it is easy to be understood. I was bad at geography before, so when I went to a new place, I would lose my direction. But since my parents took me to travel, I got some funny travel maps from local hotels. I started to learn reading maps and understand how to find the message I wanted. Now I won't be afraid of losing direction. I can find my way by the travel maps.


作文题为艺术 About Art英语作文

What is art? When people think about this question, they will naturally think about all kinds of musical instruments or the great paintings in the art museums. Art seems to so far away from the ordinary people, but I don’t think so. Art is everywhere. For example, the delicious food that is made by our parents is the great art, and the value of the food is to bring people the great joy when they have a taste of it. The scenery around us is the visible art, when we appreciate it, our mood become eased. Art is something that brings people the positive value for me, so art is around everybody. If we take time to slow down our pace, then we can enjoy art from life and feel the comfortable lifestyle.


