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以一个受人尊敬的人 A Respectable Man 为题的作文

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My father has a good friend, and I called him uncle Li. He works in a college and teaches literature. Uncle Li is a gentleman, the way he talks and walks shows that he has received good education. I like to discuss movies with him. He always can give me profound ideas. No matter where he is, people respect him a lot. I admire uncle Li so much. I wish someday I could be the person like him. If we want others to show respect, then we need to make ourselves the adorable persons. The rude people will never receive respect. Uncle Li wins everybody's love by his good manner.



有关一个快乐的童年 A Happy Childhood优秀英语作文

Recently, the news reported a girl from Russia died while she was doing her job. When I saw the news, I was so shocked, because she was the same age with me, but she had started her career as a model many years ago. She died of overwork. What a pity. A teenager should enjoy her childhood, and she should go to school and play with her friends. When we grow up, we will naturally come to the stage of earning money and struggle with life. Before that day comes, all we should do is to enjoy the free time. Missing the happy childhood time will be a great pity.


有关一个小测试 A Small Test满分英语作文

A guy from America made a small test in the street. He wanted to see how people reacted when they saw someone was bullied. The test showed that more than 90 percent of people would help the weak guy and criticized the one who bullied the others. I was so moved by the people who gave their hands. The weak guy pretended to be a nerd, and did something looking so stupid. But everyone argued for him that he was doing the great thing and looked so cool. We should not judge people because of their difference. Everyone is special and they can do anything if they haven't bothered others.


以爱 Love为题的作文

The theme of love is always around people. It is the power to help people to move on, so when we meet difficulty, love from our families and friends can help us to get over it. Love for animals and nature are easy to be ignored by us. The news reported some people abandoned their pets or killed animals, which was such brutal. What's more, look at the environment we live today. It has been polluted badly. Nature punished human being by all kinds of natural disasters, so protecting animals and environment is loving ourselves. When we get along with animals and nature, the world will become better.


以礼物 Present为题的作文

Every time when my birthday comes, I will be very excited, because I can receive all kinds of surprises from both my parents and friends. Last week, I spent a happy weekend with my parents. We traveled to another city and made the short tour as my birthday present. We took the train and my parents sat aside the window. They explained the names of the trees and flowers to me. Sometimes they talked about their old times and laughed out loudly. When we arrived the city, we saw the tourist sites and went shopping, what a wonderful thing. This trip is the best present for me, I learned a lot.


以撒谎 Telling Lies为题的作文

We are educated to be an honest person and it is the precious merit. But no one can be honest all the time. We will tell lies to cover the mistakes we have made or sometimes we are not telling the truth for making others feeling better. Once I lied to my parents and I realized it was not good to do it. I told my parents I stayed the night at my friend’s home. In fact, we hanged out for fun until midnight. When I saw the horrible things happened in midnight, I realized I should not tell lies to my parents. They will concern about my safety. Since then, I would not lie to my parents anymore.




