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2022最新满分英语作文谈安全On Safety

2021-08-16 谈责任 谈读书

每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。那么作文怎才写才最好呢?看完执笔作文网《2022最新满分英语作文谈安全On Safety》想必你有所收获!



2022最新满分英语作文烟花 Firework

Almost every child likes to play firework, especially in the holiday. The shape of firework is various and colorful, which attracts children to play it all the time. Every year, I will ask my mother to buy firework for me and I notice to use it properly, because sometimes it will bring danger to others. The moment I see firework, I make a wish.









2022最新满分英语作文未来 About the Future

I have studied for so many years. I believe that going to college can open the new chapter of my life. Now the future is so close to me. I will go to college in six months, so I focus all my attention and fight for my future. When my classmates and I talked about future, I told them that I wanted to be a teacher. On the one hand, I could pass the knowledge to the students, making contribution to the society and found my value. On the other hand, I could enjoy the long vacation to explore the world. When I was very small, I read a lot of travel books. I always wanted to travel around the world and broaden my vision. So even I would become a college student, I still needed to study hard.


2022最新满分英语作文小天使 Little Angel

My mother always complain that my sister and I are trouble makers, because we will make things worse. Actually, I am the one who make mistakes all the time, and my sister will help me to solve the problem. Sometimes, she is afraid that my mother will blame me, so she take my responsibility. She is my angel and I am so thankful to her.


2022最新满分英语作文踢足球 Playing Football

My father likes to play football very much, and he always watches the football match, so I am influenced by him and my favorite sport is football. My idol is Messi. His story inspires so many young people to choose football as their career. In my hometown, when the new year is coming, the government will organize a football match and there will be a lot of local guys join. I have played the match for two years. My classmates always make up a team and I am one of the members. When the match begins, people in the hometown will gather here and cheer for us. What a lively atmosphere.


2022最新满分英语作文特色课程 Special Lesson

In China, students learn a lot of necessary lessons before they finish high school. They can choose the special class as they go to college. But in the western countries, the students need to take part in many special lessons to get enough credits, since they are in middle school. Though some action has been taken to improve students' level, still many schools ignore it and they focus to let students get high marks in the exams. The teenagers need to learn some practical skills, such as swimming, which can save their lives when they are stuck in the deep water. Students are always passionate about the special lesson.


