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作文题为风景 About the Scenery满分英语作文

小学英语作文是我们学习中一定要经历的,写作能力的培养十分重要。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?以下是小编为您整理出来的{作文题为风景 About the Scenery满分英语作文},供大家学习与参考,执笔作文网的内容希望能帮助到你!

I like to travel so much, because I can see different scenery. Many years ago, my parents took me to visit my uncle, who lived in another city. It was the first time for me to visit another place. I was attracted by the different features and scenery. I realized that the world was so big, I should study hard, so I could explore the world.



作文题为早睡 Sleep Early满分英语作文

Recently, I feel tired in the class, because I can’t help playing a new computer game at night. I sleep very late. As a result, I can’t focus my mind on study. I feel really bad and decide to stop sleeping so late. I stop playing the computer game and have enough sleep. Now I feel so good.


关于雪景 Snow Scenery优秀英语作文

Before I come to visit my uncle in the winter, I never see snow in my life. When it snows, the sky is full of white things that falling into the ground first, I feel so excited about this scenery. As the snow comes heavy, I can play snow with my cousins. We make the snowman and decorate it with funny facial expression.


作文题为最好的状态 The Best Situation满分英语作文

I live with my parents in the hometown, which is such a beautiful place for me. Every day, I go to school with my friends. We talk so happily on the road. After school, we go to the playground and play funny games. I live the happy life and my childhood is simple, but it is the best situation for me.


