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作文题为学习英语的方法 The Way to Learn English 优秀英语作文

作文对于学生来是说一定是家常便饭了,细观察与多阅读能提高自己的作文水平。那么作文怎才写才最好呢?《作文题为学习英语的方法 The Way to Learn English 优秀英语作文》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

English is the International language. Many parents have realized the importance of learning English, so when their kids are very small, they have hired tutors to teach their children this international language. As the lack of language context, many students complain about the difficulty in learning it. Many foreigners have given their opinions to master another language, which is to speak out loudly and never be afraid of making mistakes. Even in the western countries, the local people don't care much about the grammars. There are some mistakes in the verbal communication. But people can understand each other, so there is no need to care so much about the mistakes.



作文题为保持健康的方法 The Way to Keep Fit英语范文

For the big festival like Chinese New Year, the families will get together and have a big meal. The food like chicken and pork is necessary. It is easy to get fat as eating them for many days. So when people get to work, the first thing they do is to lose weight and keep fit. They often eat more vegetables and less meat, so as to control the fat. Then doing regular exercise is very important. As the saying that the meaning of life lies in moving, exercise helps us to gain strength and keep us full of energy. Some people do the regular exercise and make themselves look young. Their insistence brings them good results.


有关实现梦想的方法 The Way to Realize Dreams英语作文

Every time when I run in the playground, I always set a target for myself, such as I need to finish 3000 meters. It is such a long distance, but if I set the target of 500 meters and repeat the target, then I can finish my original goal. It is the same way to realize our dreams. Though we are in middle school now, we need to equip ourselves with knowledge. What we learn today will decide what we will become tomorrow. The first goal for us is to enter a better high school and then continue to fight for the college. But college is not the end to fight, which is just the beginning. The way to realize our dreams is long.


学习汉语 Learn Chinese满分英语作文

English is the international language. Many parents have realized the importance of mastering English and they spend a lot of time and money to help their children learn it well. But with the development of Chinese economy, a lot of foreigners come to China to learn its culture and language, so we can't ignore the importance of Chinese. I have recited a lot of old poems. It makes me feel the charm of these classic poems. Every poem uses a different way to show the history. I find the great joy in learning Chinese. Both English and Chinese are future language, so we need to master them well.


关于我的英语老师 My English Teacher优秀英语作文

English is the necessary subject to learn. Since I went to school, I have to learn it. But I am not interested in it because I can't find how useful it is. Two months ago, there was a new English teacher taught us, I realized that her teaching method was very different. Before the lesson, she would let us to listen to the English songs, or sometimes we needed to do role play. It was so funny for us. We were very interested in the songs. Sometimes we could enjoy the movie, which just opened my eyes. I saw a different world. I wanted to learn English well and then search the world.


关于我们学习的古诗The Ancient Poems We learn初中英语作文

Since we went to school, we started to learn the ancient poems. In primary school, we need to recite these poems to finish tasks and get high marks. Some students start to question about the necessity of learning these ancient poems, because we don't use them in our communication today. Actually, these poems are part of our culture, which is very precious. What's more, the language in these poems are so charming, which will not be replaced by the spoken language. Many foreigners are crazy about our culture. They try hard to learn it. As a Chinese, of course we need to keep these precious tradition.


作文题为在图书馆学习 Studying In the Library英语作文

I love to read. When I was three years old, my parents had taught me to read. They bought me some books with funny and colorful pictures. Soon I was attracted by these stories and fell in love with reading. Since I went to school, I often went to the library and it was my favorite place. Studying in the library provided me a silent environment. The most important thing was that as so many excellent students sat around me. I felt the great motivation to move on. I could find the data any time and read the books I liked. I have gained a lot of knowledge and find the great hour there.


作文题为减肥 About Losing Weight优秀英语作文

Nowadays, girls are easily seduced by the commercial advertisement. They believe that only look like these beautiful supermodels will they be perfect. So they refuse to have more food, which they think will make them fat. Many parents worry about their children so much, because these girls are so young, and they need enough nutrition to grow their bodies. In order to help the young people have the right attitude to life, it is important to let them realize the danger of refusing food. If they want to be beautiful, the only way is to keep the healthy diet and take exercise. When we are confident about ourselves, we will have charm.


作文题为最好的歌手 The Best Singer优秀英语作文

When I was very small, I saw a very interesting music video in a shop. A white man wearing black suit and white gloves danced in a very strange way, just like walking in the moon. Later I figured out that he was the king of popular music, Michael Jackson. His music were really awesome and I listened to every song. The bad news came as one day I woke up and heard that he died, which was such shocking news for me. Today, still a lot of people couldn't believe this great musician has passed away. In my heart, Michael is the best singer ever, no one can replace him.


