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2022最新英语范文一个有趣的人 An Interesting Person

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Jack is in primary school now. He is very active in the class and everyone like him. Jack likes to read a lot of books, so he knows many things. When we have problems in study, he can help us to solve them. We are so thankful to him and make up our minds to learn from him. In all, he is such a funny person.



2022最新英语作文路 Road

My mother always tried to let me make my own choice. She wants me to be independent. Sometimes I make mistakes, but my parents won't blame me. So even I chose the wrong road, but I learn the precious lesson. It helps me become stronger. Never to be afraid of making mistakes, because nobody can take the right road all the time.


2022最新英语作文温暖 Warm

There is an old lady who lives next to my house, she is always alone. One day, I asked her why she was always only one. She told me that her son was very busy, so he couldn’t often visit her. I felt sorry for her and I would spend some time with her when I had time. She liked to talk to me and said that I was a warm person.

有一位老奶奶住在我家隔壁,她总是一个人。有一天,我问她为什么总是一个人, 她告诉我她的儿子很忙, 所以,他不能经常去看她。我为她感到难过。只要有时间我就会去看她花些时间和她在一起。她喜欢跟我说话,说我是个温暖的人。

2022最新英语范文漫画书 Comic Book

I like reading books so much, especially the comic book. When I start reading, I can’t focus my attention for a long time if the books are words everywhere, then I find comic book is perfect for me. I can not only read very quickly, but also won’t feel bored. It is a good way for me to gain knowledge.


2022最新满分英语作文烟花 Firework

Almost every child likes to play firework, especially in the holiday. The shape of firework is various and colorful, which attracts children to play it all the time. Every year, I will ask my mother to buy firework for me and I notice to use it properly, because sometimes it will bring danger to others. The moment I see firework, I make a wish.


2022最新小学英语作文冬天 Winter

Most people like autumn, because the weather is cool. For me, I like winter, because snow attracts me all the time. As I live in the southern areas all the time, so I haven’t had the chance to play snow. When winter comes, I want to visit my aunt. She lives in the northern areas, so I can play snow.


2022最新小学英语作文宽容 Tolerant

My mother always says that I am a naughty girl. When I go out with her, I always make some mistakes. Such as annoying others when they are talking, which is very impolite. My mother doesn't punish me, instead, she tries to disturb me when I want to talk to her. It makes me realize how rude I am. My mother is so tolerant that she is a good mother.


2022最新优秀英语作文绰号 Nickname

Nickname is very popular and it presents the good relationship between people. For example, in my family, my parents give me a nickname and they call me with it all the time. But someone calls my full name, who are not so close to me. So when I hear my nickname, I know they are my friends or my families.


2022最新英语范文给自己的一封信 A Letter to Myself

Recently, I saw an interesting movie. A girl wrote a letter to herself. She would receive it in ten years. It is meaningful. If we read the letter, we will think of the old days and recall of the happiness. So I decide to write a letter to me in the future. I want to remind myself of the passion I owned.


2022最新英语范文文具盒 Pencil Case

I like to collect pencil case when I am in grade two, because I am so crazy about the lovely cartoon pictures. When I watch a hot cartoon movie, then I will start to search my favorite cartoon characters in the products. Pencil case is around me all the time. When I see the pictures, I will be full of energy.

二年级的时候, 我就喜欢上了收集文具盒,因为我对可爱卡通图片非常着迷。当我看一部热门卡通电影时,我会开始在产品中搜索我最喜欢的卡通人物。文具盒一直都存在我身边,当我看到那些照片时,我就会充满了活力。

2022最新小学英语作文关爱 Concern and Love

Not long ago, a deputy to the People’s Congress put forward an idea that anyone who abandoned pets should be condemned. A lot of people clap for her suggestion, because they take pets as one of the family members, but for some cold people, they don’t give concern and love to the animals, and they kill or abandon animals at their wills, which causes the public’s anger. Animals have their lives and should be respected. They and human beings are part of nature. We live and die together, so it is our duty to protect animals. We need to create a harmonious society.


