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杰克的选择 Jack's Choice精选优秀英语作文

语文学习中一定遇到了小学英语作文的题目,你一定希望自己写作的时候行如流水。那么作文怎才写才最好呢?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《杰克的选择 Jack's Choice精选优秀英语作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

As Jack will be a middle school student soon, his parents want to move around the school to take care of him, but Jack tells his parents that they needn't to do it, because he can take care of himself. What's more, he always wants to stay in hometown, where green trees and clean water are around. His parents respect his choice. They are so happy the little boy is growing up.



关于我的抉择 The Choice I Make满分英语作文

As the winter holiday is almost ending, I need to finish a lot of homework. But every day my friends come to ask me out and I have no hesitation to play with them all the time. Now, I must control myself and finish my task first. So I start to refuse my friends’ invitation and focus on finishing my homework. I make the right choice.


作文题为教师的爱Teacher's Love英语范文

The day I go to school, I remember that I feel so scared because it is the first time for me to leave my parents. Then my teacher comes to me and smiles at me. I feel so comfortable. She introduces many classmates to me. Then we play many funny games. I become happy soon and feel my teacher's caring and love.


作文题为六一儿童节 Children's Day 优秀英语作文

Today is Children's Day. Early in the morning, I feel so excited, because I know the teachers have prepared some surprised for us. We don't have class and all we do is to enjoy the games. I play Ping Pong game and win many awards. I like the riddle so much. When I get the answer, I feel so proud of myself.


关于我的新年愿望 My New Year's Wish英语范文

The New Year is coming soon. Look back at the past year, I am satisfied with the things I have done, such as making great progress in school and making many new friends. I hope my families and friends can be healthy and live the happy life. I also make some tasks for myself. I want to take a trip to Beijing and learn the culture.


作文题为我选择的路 The Road I Take小学英语作文

There is a famous poem about the decision of taking the road. It tells us once we make our choice, we can’t regret. So I am very careful about the choice, such as hang out with my friends, I should finish the homework first or before sleep. I always choose to finish it ahead, because I don’t want to have pressure. The choice I make helps me to be a strong person.


淘气的猴子 Naughty Monkey精选优秀英语作文

Today, my mother takes me to the zoo and I feel so happy. I see a lot of animals, and monkey impresses me the most. They are so active, going up and down all the time. We can buy bananas to feed them. When I give them food, a lot of monkeys rush to me and try to get the food. How naughty they are.


