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作文题为最好的礼物 The Best Gift小学英语作文

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Lily’s birthday is coming soon, and her parents have promised to give her a big surprise. When that day comes, they bring her to the amusement park. Lily has found the great joy there. She can play all the items. She is so excited, because she hasn’t done it before. Her parents company her all the time. What a great gift.



作文题为最好的状态 The Best Situation满分英语作文

I live with my parents in the hometown, which is such a beautiful place for me. Every day, I go to school with my friends. We talk so happily on the road. After school, we go to the playground and play funny games. I live the happy life and my childhood is simple, but it is the best situation for me.


2022最新小学英语作文最好的状态 The Best Situation

Though I live in an ordinary family, I am so proud of the things I have. Every night, my father will talk to me before I sleep. I share everything happened at school and he is willing to hear. My mother is good at making delicious food, so I am so looking forward to tasting her food. The life I living is my best situation.


