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有关紧张的一天 A Nervous Day英语作文

你一定是为了小学英语作文而来,你一定是抱着想学习作文技巧的态度来的。那么作文怎才写才最好呢?执笔作文网为你推荐《有关紧张的一天 A Nervous Day英语作文》,希望能帮助到学习的你!

Today, I woke up early in the morning and I felt so nervous, because I needed to take part in the final exams. I went over my books for many times and slept very late. I would take the Chinese exam in the morning and the math in the afternoon. Getting a good mark means more pocket money.



下雨天 The Raining Day精选英语作文

Summer is so hot. It hasn’t rained for more than one month and the air is so stuffy. But today, the rain finally comes. I am so happy when I see the dark cloud. It is so cool, when wind blows. The wind blow my face. When rain stops, I go out of the house and breathe the fresh air. What a comfortable day.


作文题为植树节 Trees Planting Day小学英语作文

Every year, on March 12th, our school will have the special activity. We need to plant trees in the campus. We are so excited to see trees growing every day. The tree I planted last year now is very tall. I am so proud to see its growth. I have made a contribution to bringing the world green and protecting the environment.


作文题为六一儿童节 Children's Day 优秀英语作文

Today is Children's Day. Early in the morning, I feel so excited, because I know the teachers have prepared some surprised for us. We don't have class and all we do is to enjoy the games. I play Ping Pong game and win many awards. I like the riddle so much. When I get the answer, I feel so proud of myself.


有关一位坚强的男孩 A Strong Boy英语范文

Recently, the news reported a small boy was studying while he helped his mother to sell the products. Many people gave him great praise, because he could focus his attention, but their children always wanted to play. This boy is such strong that he must make a difference in the future. His mother is so lucky to have a boy like him.


有关一位好朋友 A Good Friend优秀英语作文

I have a good friend, and her name is Li Mei. We know each other about two years. When I am in trouble, she helps me without hesitation. So I will also help her when she meets difficulty. We share our secrets and sometimes she will stay the night with me. We will talk very happily and go to sleep very late.


有关一个淘气的小孩子A Naughty Boy英语作文

Today, I go to my friend’s home, because she asks me to play with her. As her mother has something emergent to do, so she asks us to look after her little boy. At first, we think it is an easy thing, but later, the boy never stops playing, and goes up and down. We can’t stop him. What a naughty boy. I realize my mother’s effort to raise me.


有关中式英语 Chinglish满分英语作文

It is known to all that English is the international language that kids need to learn it since they were very small. As many Chinese kids don’t have the chance to talk to foreigners, so they speak the way with Chinese features. Though it is embarrassed, it is better than never speak out loudly. We can learn a lot from making mistakes. Chinglish may be someday the formal English.


有关最大的节日 The Biggest Festival英语作文

Chinese New Year is really a big festival. People will have the holiday to stay with their families. No matter where they work, all they want to do is to have dinner with families. I enjoy the family hour, because we share our happiness and future expectation. How nice it is. It deserves all the year’s hard working.


有关我的孤独 My Loneliness英语作文

Today, my parents go to have an important meeting with their friends, so they leave me home alone. Though my mother has prepared everything I need, I still feel a little sad. I watch the TV and play computer games, but I feel more and more lonely. I realize I need my parents so much. I must learn to be independent.


有关可爱的熊猫 Lovely Panda优秀英语作文

When I was very small, I saw an interesting movie, which was called Kongfu Panda. The fat panda image was so lovely and I learned that there was such a lovely animal in the world. Since then, I fell in love with this animal. I learn a lot of relevant knowledge. Panda is dying out, so we need to protect them by protecting the environment.


