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西方情人节的作文 篇1










西方情人节的作文 篇2


It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival to eat rice dumplings and the custom of the dragon boat race, is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan in the history of our country, it is precisely because of this liberation after the Dragon Boat Festival had to be called “the poet festival”.


Qu Ping (about 339 BC to about 278 BC) the original word, commonly known as Qu Yuan, and since the cloud a regular character works, Warring States Chu Han, Danyang (now Hubei Zigui) people. The king of Chu Xiong Tongzhi sub Qu Xia offspring. Although Qu Yuan Zhong things chuhuai Wang, but was excluded, Huai Wang died because of the Qing Xiang Wang listen to him and exiled, the Miluo River to die.


Qu Yuan is one of the greatest Romantic poet Chinese famous poet, is China's earliest known, the world cultural celebrities. He founded the “songs of Chu” this kind of style, has also created a “beauty” of the traditional. Representative works are “Lisao” “Nine Songs” etc..


In the history of our country, the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan's argument has a history of over 1500 years. According to legend, after Qu Yuan Miluo River, local people heard the news immediately put out a fishing boat, to the Dongting Lake, still do not see the body of Qu Yuan. At that time, coincides with the rainy days, the boat on the lake in the pavilion collection together. When people learned to salvage bowed doctor, out in the rain again, vast Dongting Lake. In their grief, people boating on the river, then gradually developed into the Dragon Boat race. People are afraid of the fish in the river to eat his body, have brought home in ancient group into the river, so as not to fish and spoil the body of Qu Yuan, and later became the custom of eating dumplings.

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals,the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.

The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man,but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court.

Unable to regain the respect of the emperor,in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons.

Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan,their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.




西方情人节的作文 篇3





Cupid is the most famous of Valentine symbols and everybody knows

that boy armed with bow and arrows, and piercing hearts . He is known as

a mischievous, winged child armed with bow and arrows. The arrows

signify desires and emotions of love, and Cupid aims those arrows at

Gods and Humans, causing them to fall deeply in love. Cupid has always

played a role in the celebrations of love and lovers. In ancient Greece

he was known as Eros, the young son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love

and beauty. To the Roman's he was Cupid, and his mother was Venus.




There is a very interesting story about Cupid and His mortal Bride

Psyche in Roman mythology. Venus was jealous of the beauty of Psyche,

and ordered Cupid to punish the mortal. But instead, Cupid fell deeply

in love with her. He took her as his wife, but as a mortal she was

forbidden to look at him.


Psyche was happy until her sisters persuaded her to look at Cupid. as

soon as Psyche looked at Cupid, Cupid punished her by leaving her.

Their lovely castle and gardens vanished too. Psyche found herself alone

in an open field with no signs of other beings or Cupid. As she

wandered trying to find her love, she came upon the temple of Venus.

Wishing to destroy her, the goddess of love gave Psyche a series of

tasks, each harder and more dangerous then the last.

西方情人节的作文 篇4

In recent years, western festivals have increasingly aroused a great attention among Chinese people, especially the ncerning the phenomenon of Chinese people’s interest in celebrating the western festivals, different people have divergent views.


For one thing, some people hold that the celebration of western festivals has added more fresh and joys to our lives. For example, on Valentine’s Day, many young people will give their gifts to each other to extend their love and strengthen their relationship or express their admiration. From this aspect, the celebration of western festivals provides a chance for us to communicate with others and develop our relationships. In addition, the celebration of western festivals has also added some fresh blood to our traditional Chinese cultures.


For another, others point out that people’s too much attention to the western festivals will result in less attention to our traditional ones. And in the long term, more and more people in the next generation will have no knowledge about our traditional culture.


As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to favor the former one because I think the celebration of western festivals is necessary and important for us to keep our traditional culture fresh and active.


西方情人节的作文 篇5





人生不外如是,一定要间杂着 甜蜜 ,酸楚,希望和苦涩,才能完美的演绎,缺一不可。期待吧!希望明年的情人节我和我这些单身的朋友也能像他人一样春风得意,告诫自己一定要放下所有的负担,让过去过去,让未来到来。

西方情人节的作文 篇6

1.A greeting card sent to arrive on Saint Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) declaring one's love for someone, but usually without giving the name of the sender

2. The person to whom a Valentine is sent

valentine [lentain]

Several stories are told about the origin of Saint Valentine's Day. One legend dates as far as the days of the Roman Empire. According to the story, Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of his army. He knew that it would be easier to get young men who were not married to join. Therefore he made a rule that no young man could marry until he had served a certain number of years in the army.

A priest named Valentine broke the rule and secretly married a great many young people. Finally, Claudius found out about Valentine and put the priest in prison, where he remained until his death on Feb.14.

After his death, Valentine was made a saint, and the day of his death was named Saint Valentine's Day. It became the custom for lovers to send each other messages on this day. Now Saint Valentine's Day is a time for people to send one another greetings of many kinds.

February 14, Valentine's Day, is sweet hearts' day, on which people in love with each other express their tender emotions. People sometimes put their love messages in a heart-shaped box of chocalates, or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Words or letters may be written on the flower-covered cards, or something else. Whatever the form may be, the message is almost the same:“Will you be my valentine?”

Another story has it that while Valentine was in prison waiting for his fate, he came in contact with his jailor, Asterius. The jailor had a blind daughter. Asterius requested him to heal his daughter. Through his faith he miraculously restored the sight of Asterius' daughter and fell in love with her. Just before he was put to death, he asked for a pen and paper from his jailor, and signed a farewell message to her “From Your Valentine”, a phrase that lived ever after.

Another valentine gentleman you may be wondering about is Cupid (Latin,“desire”). In Roman mythology Cupid is the son of Venus, goddess of love. His counterpart in Greek mythology is Eros, god of love. Cupid is often said to be a mischievous boy who goes around wounding both gods and humans with his arrows, causing them to fall in love.

It is an old English custom to send a message or card to the person you love on St. Valentine's Day. Here are some samples:

1. To one's beloved wife:

Susan Harbert: Thanks for: 14 good years, 5000 breakfasts, 5 kids and you.

2. To one's lover:

Mary my darling. I love you madly. I am so happy to have you as my valentine.

3. To one's beloved mother:

Dear Mom:

I love you. I hope you have a GREAT Valentine's Day. Thank you for your love and thanks for caring for me so much.

Dear Mom:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

4. Father to his beloved son:

Dear Tony:

If I could give you only one thing,

I think it would have to be courage,

With it you can face all changes, all losses,

All failure even loneliness—

And build anew and more strongly than before.

5.To one's beloved teacher:

Thank you for making learning not a job but a joy,

Thank you for making me feel valuable,

Thank you for helping me to discover what I do best,

And to do it even better.

Thank you for being someone I can always trust-

And turn to when life gets difficult.

My dear teacher:

I will remember you always and always.

1. Pack a chocolate box with heart-

printed wrapping paper, and sign it with a tag. You can also leave it at a place where your loved one will find it for sure.

2. Copy (or write) a love poem on a good letter pad, and express your special thoughts. You can also add it on with any other gifts that you are planning to give. You can take help from our Poems sections in E.S. You can also send a free virtual greetings, ’cause they are very popular now, and one expects them at every occasion.

3. Material gifts are not the only things you can give, there could be better choices. Plan out a special dinner with your sweetheart. It could be a candle-light or an open-air. But it has to be special someway, otherwise the charm will be lost.

4. Stuffed toys are more popular than ever, and always a great gift for your sweetheart.

5. Flowers! Possibly the most widely used gift, yet never lose its color. Do not miss this wonderful occasion to present some lovely flower to your love.

6. Arrange for home-delivery of some freshly cooked food, like dishes of fish, and include the message: “Just as fresh as my Love for you”.

7. Try to figure out if your love wants, or requires something, but yet to buy it. If you have figured it out, you got it. It will be the best gift you can give. But careful, you must be dead sure that he or she is yet to get it for himself or herself.

8. Buy a jack-in-the-box, and fix your small love note on jack, and have someone deliver your present to your love. The effect is electrifyingly surprising.

9. Buy a book or a CD on love and then present it , and this special issue of English Square is one of the best choices for it.

情人节的由来有几种不同的传说,其中一传说要追溯到古罗马帝国时期。根据这一传说,罗马皇帝克劳迪斯想扩充军队, 他知道招募未婚青年参军要容易一些。于是他就制定了一项法规:男青年必须在军队服役一定年限后才能结婚。



2月14日的圣瓦伦丁节,是情人的节日,恋爱中的情人们在这一天互表爱意柔情。有时情人们把情书放在心状的巧克力盒子里或放在用红丝带扎起的花束中, 在鲜花装饰的贺卡或其他东西上写上几个字或一封信。不管采取什么形式,书写的内容几乎一样:“你愿意做我的情人吗?”

另一个传说是,瓦伦丁在监狱里命运未卜的时候,认识了典狱长阿斯特里奥斯。该典狱长有一个双目失明的女儿。典狱长请求他治好女儿的眼睛。瓦伦丁以其坚强的信念奇迹般地恢复了典狱长女儿的视力,并且爱上了她。就在行刑前,他从典狱长那里要了一支笔、一张纸,给典狱长的女儿写了一封“诀别”信,署名“寄自瓦伦丁”。“From your valentine”这几个字就这样沿用至今。
















1. 用印有心型的包装纸包一盒巧克力,贴上一个标签并签名。你也可以把它放在你的心上人肯定可以找到的地方。

2. 摘抄(或创作)一首爱情诗写在纸质较好的信笺上,表达你特别的感受。你也可以把打算赠送的礼物连同情诗一道寄出。你可以在我们的《英语广场》“诗歌”栏目中找到一些用得上的资料。你还可以发一个免费电子贺信,因为现在这种贺信十分流行,在任何时候我们都希望别人发电子贺信来。

3. 赠送礼物不仅仅限于具体的物品,还有更好的选择。你可以与心上人策划一顿别出心裁的便餐,可以是烛光宴,也可以是露天野餐,不过一定要有点“酷”,不然就平淡乏味。

4. 填充玩具比以前更流行了,任何时候都是顶好的`礼物。

5. 鲜花!这可能是最大众化的礼物了,可其迷人风采从未褪色。千万不要错失良机,赶紧给你的心上人送上可爱的鲜花!

6. 安排别人将刚烹饪好的食物,比如说鲜鱼,送货上门,并附上一张便条:“如我对你的爱一样鲜”。

7. 搞清楚你的心上人是不是需要什么,但还没买回来。一旦弄清了,你就把需要的东西买下——雪中送炭,这是最好的礼物。不过一定要注意,你要有绝对的把握:绝对是他或她本人需要但尚未弄到手的东西。

8. 买一个玩偶匣,在玩偶上贴一张表达爱意的小条子,叫别人将这个礼物送给你的心上人,这一招绝对出奇制胜!

9. 买一本关于“爱”的书或一张情歌CD,送给你的所爱,本期的《英语广场》特刊就是一个不错的选择。

西方情人节的作文 篇7




For her last task Psyche was given a little box and told to take it

to the underworld. She was told to get some of the beauty of Proserpine,

the wife of Pluto, and put it in the box. During her trip she was given

avoiding the dangers of the realm of the dead. She was also warned

not to open the box. But Temptation overcame Psyche and she opened the

box. But instead of finding beauty, she found deadly slumber.




Cupid found her lifeless on the ground. He gathered the deadly sleep

from her body and put it back in the box. Cupid forgave her, as did

Venus. The gods, moved by Psyche's love for Cupid made her a goddess.


Today, Cupid and his arrows have become the most popular of love

signs, and love is most frequently depicted by two hearts pierced by an

arrow, Cupid's arrow.




西方情人节的作文 篇8










