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有关可爱的熊猫 Lovely Panda优秀英语作文

每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?执笔作文网为你推荐《有关可爱的熊猫 Lovely Panda优秀英语作文》,希望能帮助到学习的你!

When I was very small, I saw an interesting movie, which was called Kongfu Panda. The fat panda image was so lovely and I learned that there was such a lovely animal in the world. Since then, I fell in love with this animal. I learn a lot of relevant knowledge. Panda is dying out, so we need to protect them by protecting the environment.



可爱的猫 The Lovely Cat精选英语范文

Today, when I go home after school, a cat follows me as I near my home. It is very small and it has white hair. When I look at her for the first time, my heart is melting. What a lovely cat. I want to take her home, but I couldn’t, because she needs to come back to her mother. Finally, a boy comes to find her and takes her home.


可爱的小猫 Lovely Cat精选满分英语作文

I always want to raise a pet. Last week, my mother finally agreed to buy me a cat. The cat is so lovely. It has a round face and blue eyes, and looks like an angel to me. In order to look after her well, I search the Internet and find the information. Since I raised the cat, I have grown up so much.


可爱的男孩子 The Lovely Boy小学英语作文

A little boy took part in the TV show when he was two years old. As a celebrity, people watched all his movements. Sometimes when this boy was crying, the audience said he was spoiled by his parents. But when they saw more, they thought this boy was so lovely, because he was kind and very polite. We can’t judge a person by the first impression.


有关尝试 Try to Write Composition优秀英语作文

I am not good at writing. So when my teacher asks me to hand in a composition, I will be very upset. I don't know how to start and form the good structure, so I search the Internet and try to follow the excellent composition. At last, I finish my homework. Though it is not perfect, I am so glad that I have tried so hard to finish the task.


有关运动会 Sports Meeting优秀英语作文

Our school will hold the sports meeting every year. I am so excited about it. I will take part in a lot of programs, such as running and basketball matches. When everybody is yelling for the teams, the atmosphere is so lively. I can feel the vitality. We are young and full of energy. It is so amazing to be part of it.


有关王俊凯 Wang Junkai优秀英语作文

Many years ago, the young idol group called TF boys started to be noticed by the public. Today, this group is famous around the world. Wang Junkai is the captain of the group, and he is favored by a lot of young people. He is good at singing and dancing. What's more, he has made achievement in TV shows. He has a bright future.

很多年前,一个叫做TF boys的年轻偶像团队开始受到大众的关注,今天,这个团队在全世界都很出名。王俊凯是这个团队的队长,他受到很多年轻人的喜爱。他擅长唱歌和跳舞,而且他在电视节目上也取得了一些成绩。他的前途一片光明。

