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信用的重要性 The Importance of Credit精选优秀英语作文

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Nowadays, with the development of Internet, more and more business are done through the Internet. The most important factor that decides a person's success is the credit. There is a famous example explains how credit influences one's life. A man took a train in Europe, as there was no one to supervise him, so he thought he could not buy the ticket and ran to the train directly. Later, when the man wanted to interview a job, the employers refused him because they told the man that his credit did not reach their standard. The man realized that he had lost his credit for not buying the ticket for one time, which taught him a lesson to keep his credit. The credit helps us to make friends and cooperate with others well. Don't lose your credit, or you will lose many chances.




No one is perfect in the world, like me, often forget east west. So sometimes, I want to be a perfect person, but, everyone has flaws, so this is a difficult to achieve, but the inherent my material will be useful, so in the future I will become a useful person.

Everyone has shortcomings and advantages, and my advantage is that there are many friends; The disadvantage is that cry point is very low. For me, he shortcomings like a gecko, at any time with in my side, really clingy, suddenly appear, every day to hurt me in front of everyone shambolic, and because of the shortcomings, only to hurt me more and more small bile, don't dare to show in front of everyone. So, in order to overcome the shortcomings, I will self hypnosis, thinking: believe in yourself is great! And will be more and more great! Actually, I really good... , only occasionally make a mistake, but I prefer my strengths are, I also believe that these advantages make life become colorful wonderful!

I think confidence is very important to man, a man without confidence, his life was full of fear, his life is relying on their own to overcome obstacles, to become a happy and confident people.

I hope my faults can be quickly fixed, let oneself become more confident, don't be afraid. If you don't light head, it is good to do more to strengthen the training of the brain, as long as we are more than somewhere toward the positive thought, must be from a dislocated into a high-profile diamond, sending out light!


每个人都有缺点和优点,而我的优点是有许多朋友; 缺点是哭点很低。对我而言,缺点就像缠人的壁虎,随时跟在我的身边,可真缠人,每天都突然冒出来,害我在大家面前出糗,而且就是因为缺点,才害我越来越胆 小,不太敢在大家面前表演。所以,为了要克服缺点,我会自我催眠,心里想:相信自己超级棒!并且会越来越棒!其实,我真的很棒……,只不过偶尔会出错,但 是我还是喜欢我的优点,也相信这些优点让我的生活变得缤纷美妙!




There are many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o'clock and be home at 6:30pm.I have to finish my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. I have to stay at home on school nights . Also,I have to do some housework.

My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because they think teenagers may let their friend talk them into doing bad things . I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,although it is good for me ,I think it is a good way to have a rest . Though I don’t agree with some ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.



作文题为网络信息的真实性 The Reliability of Network Information 优秀英语作文

Before the popularity of network communicational tools, such as weibo and wechat, people get used to know a person by face to face talk, but now the situation has changed, the young generation tends to know a person by network social communicational tools. If they are interested in making friends, then they will be friends online first and then keep trace with the former information on the record. It seems that we can learn a person so fast and convenient. However, there is a short video about a girl dating a guy, but the guy did not have any account on the Internet, then the girl felt uncomfortable and started to question if the guy was a criminal. The video satirizes people to rely on the Internet too much. They rather to communicate with a person by the Internet instead of face to face talk, which the latter is much trustworthy.



Does Outlook Be Important? People always attach great importance on the soul, as the saying that beautiful soul overweighs everything, so in the movie, the everlasting theme is that an ugly girl wins the true love at last. Recently, a hot topic of discussing whether the girls’ outlook is important, the fact is that people reach their agreement that outlook really matters, if a person looks terrible, no one will like to make friends with him, let alone to know about him. In my opinion, beautiful soul is of great importance, but if people don’t make themselves look comfortable outside, no one wants to know his inside. We need to clear ourselves, it doesn’t mean we must make up, we should make ourselves look comfortable and confident, we should dress the tidy clothes and make our hair in order. People say outlook is not important, but it doesn’t mean we give up our outlook and let it look terrible.人们总是赋予心灵很大的重要性,正如有句话说美丽的心灵胜过一切,因此在电影里,永恒的主题是一位长相难看的女孩最终赢得真爱。最近,关于讨论女孩的外表是否重要成为了热门话题,事实上,人们一致认为外表很重要,如果一个人看起来很糟糕,没有人会喜欢和他交朋友,更不用说去了解他。在我看来,美丽的心灵很重要,但是如果人们没有让自己的外表看起来舒服,没有人会想要了解他的内心。我们需要让自己看起来干净,这不意味着我们必须要化妆,我们应该让自己看起来舒服和自信,应该穿着整齐,发型不乱。人们说外表不重要,但是不意味着我们放弃外表,让自己看起来糟糕。


i represent mars. i have a striking red appearance. when i am opposite the sun, i am in the most favourable position for viewing. yeh, how handsome i am

the mean distance of me from the sun is about 141 million mi (228 million km); its period of revolution is about 687 days, almost twice that of the earth. at those times when the sun, earth, and i are aligned (i.e., in opposition) and i am at my closest point to the sun (perihelion), its distance from the earth is about 35 million mi (56 million km); this occurs every 15 to 17 years. at oppositions when i am at my greatest distance from the sun (aphelion) it is about 63 million mi (101 million km) from the earth. it rotates on its axis with a period of about 24 hr 37 min, a little more than one earth day.

last and not least, i wish i know more about mars. however, i realize that i don't need to. you really should learn about mars and write something about it in english for your own studies.

good luck!

春节 Spring Festival精选优秀英语作文

Every year, Spring Festival makes me happy, because I can spend a long holiday to stay with my families. On the New Year’s Eve, all the families got together. We woke up early in the morning and then my mother started to purchase some food to prepare the big dinner. I helped my mother to bring the food. Before dinner, there was a tradition in my hometown. We needed to bring the chicken to take a bow to our ancestors, showing our respect and gratitude. When the dinner’s ready, we ate happily and talked a lot. Then at night, the families pasted the New Year’s scrolls and decorated the house. What a harmonious environment and we enjoyed the family hour. In the next few days, I visited a lot of relatives. It was a good chance for us to communicate with each other.


禁毒 Drug Control精选优秀英语作文

As the economy develops, most people have the incomes. For some children, their parents can provide them all the things they want. When people start to chase for more amusement, some of them cross the limited line and do the criminal things. Many young people have been reported to take drug in group. The bad guys try to control these young people, so they seduce them to take drugs to make more profit. It is very dangerous to have a taste of drug. Once people try, it is hard for them to get rid of it. The drugs only brings negative sides to people's life, some even to die for it. So a wise person will say no to drugs and the government has taken strict laws to control drugs.













if the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. there are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. one of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation--- conversion of liquid water to water vapor. in this manner the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind. if this is carried to the etreme, of course, white crystals of salt would be left behind.

the opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. this may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff.normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.a third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. when sea water is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. in this manner, sea water directly materials are left behind.

in this manner, sea water directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.in the weddell sea antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. this heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of the oceans of the world.

做最好的自己 To Be the Best One 精选优秀英语作文

Last week, I took part in the summer camp. The school invited some foreign students to visit and to communicate with us. It was such a good chance for me to practise English with them. What’s more, I could learn difference culture. At first, I was so nervous, but the next day, I got familiar with these friends and I found that they were also very curious about our study. After the short communication, I learned a lot. I knew the first thing I should do was to improve my English. I realized the foreign friends had learned mandarin and they paid special attention to master it. So if I didn’t learn English well, in the future, I would lag behind them. The second thing for me to learn was to develop more interest. The foreign friends could talk about any topic, and I admired them. I can improve myself and to be the best one.


