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作文题为网络信息的真实性 The Reliability of Network Information 优秀英语作文

高中英语作文是我们学习中的一大重点,到这里来的目的一定是想提升自己的学习。那么作文怎才写才最好呢?执笔作文网的一篇《作文题为网络信息的真实性 The Reliability of Network Information 优秀英语作文》应该能帮助到你!

Before the popularity of network communicational tools, such as weibo and wechat, people get used to know a person by face to face talk, but now the situation has changed, the young generation tends to know a person by network social communicational tools. If they are interested in making friends, then they will be friends online first and then keep trace with the former information on the record. It seems that we can learn a person so fast and convenient. However, there is a short video about a girl dating a guy, but the guy did not have any account on the Internet, then the girl felt uncomfortable and started to question if the guy was a criminal. The video satirizes people to rely on the Internet too much. They rather to communicate with a person by the Internet instead of face to face talk, which the latter is much trustworthy.



作文题为网络医疗服务 Online Medical Service 满分英语作文

As the development of Internet, people can find many answers from the Internet. Every question can have many replies, so people feel the great power of Internet. When some people feel not well, he will diagnosed himself in the Internet before he come to the hospital. It seems like that he just seeks for second opinion. It is not reliable to get diagnosed from the online medical service, because you will never know the exact identity of the doctor, or the information he provides to you is right or not for your situation. The information they get can't be right all the time. If people get the potential illness in the body, they will miss the best time to get treatment. How terrible it is. It is a great risk to seek medical advice from Internet. Life is precious, just to treat your health seriously.



No one is perfect in the world, like me, often forget east west. So sometimes, I want to be a perfect person, but, everyone has flaws, so this is a difficult to achieve, but the inherent my material will be useful, so in the future I will become a useful person.

Everyone has shortcomings and advantages, and my advantage is that there are many friends; The disadvantage is that cry point is very low. For me, he shortcomings like a gecko, at any time with in my side, really clingy, suddenly appear, every day to hurt me in front of everyone shambolic, and because of the shortcomings, only to hurt me more and more small bile, don't dare to show in front of everyone. So, in order to overcome the shortcomings, I will self hypnosis, thinking: believe in yourself is great! And will be more and more great! Actually, I really good... , only occasionally make a mistake, but I prefer my strengths are, I also believe that these advantages make life become colorful wonderful!

I think confidence is very important to man, a man without confidence, his life was full of fear, his life is relying on their own to overcome obstacles, to become a happy and confident people.

I hope my faults can be quickly fixed, let oneself become more confident, don't be afraid. If you don't light head, it is good to do more to strengthen the training of the brain, as long as we are more than somewhere toward the positive thought, must be from a dislocated into a high-profile diamond, sending out light!


每个人都有缺点和优点,而我的优点是有许多朋友; 缺点是哭点很低。对我而言,缺点就像缠人的壁虎,随时跟在我的身边,可真缠人,每天都突然冒出来,害我在大家面前出糗,而且就是因为缺点,才害我越来越胆 小,不太敢在大家面前表演。所以,为了要克服缺点,我会自我催眠,心里想:相信自己超级棒!并且会越来越棒!其实,我真的很棒……,只不过偶尔会出错,但 是我还是喜欢我的优点,也相信这些优点让我的生活变得缤纷美妙!



媒体的信息 The Message From Media 满分英语作文

As the development of technology, we can have access to the message from different ways, such as TV, computer and magazine. The development of media provides people the convenient ways to learn about the world. But the problem comes, the message that is released by the media always has been chosen for the purpose of catching more readers. When there are good news and bad news presented in front of the public, most of them will read the latter first, which decides the media choose to report the negative news first. As a result, most information will decide a person's idea about the people or the country. For the one who doesn't have the chance to communicate with another person or visit other countries, they are easily influenced and have the wrong impression. So for the information we get from media, we should not believe all.


信用的重要性 The Importance of Credit精选优秀英语作文

Nowadays, with the development of Internet, more and more business are done through the Internet. The most important factor that decides a person's success is the credit. There is a famous example explains how credit influences one's life. A man took a train in Europe, as there was no one to supervise him, so he thought he could not buy the ticket and ran to the train directly. Later, when the man wanted to interview a job, the employers refused him because they told the man that his credit did not reach their standard. The man realized that he had lost his credit for not buying the ticket for one time, which taught him a lesson to keep his credit. The credit helps us to make friends and cooperate with others well. Don't lose your credit, or you will lose many chances.


