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关于中国制造的改变 The Change of Made in China高中英语作文

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Made in China was once the presentation of low price and bad quality. In western movies, when people saw the label of Made in China, they would look down upon the products, or just made fun of these products. But now, Chinese products astonish foreigners by good quality and low price, and many of them are willing to spend money on the products that labelled with Made in China. Chen Guangxi made a speech in the New York University about the changes of Made in China. He said when he started his business and sought cooperation with foreign manufacturers, they refused, because they feared Chinese quality. Now his business is successful and many foreigners are willing to do business with him. The great change shows the rise of China. In the future, more Chinese products will be admitted in the world.



作文题为偶像的改变 The Change of Idols高中英语作文

For most teenagers, their idols were from TV shows or movies. When I was very small, I watched a lot of cartoons. At that time, my idol was Mr. Black, who was a cat and detective in the cartoon. He was so brave and fought with bad guys. When I was in middle school, I watched a lot of romantic movies and my idol was Tom Cruise, because he was so handsome. Now, I adore the hero like the policemen, who are doing great things and bringing people convenience. In different ages, my mind is affected by my viewpoint. As I grow up, my viewpoint becomes mature and see the world with the different angles. The choice of our idols decides how we see about the world.


关于金钱的意义 The Meaning of Money高中英语作文

Money controls our life. No matter what kind of work we do, the first thing we need to solve is to earn money and then make ends meet. For the old generation, they tend to save money as much as possible. In case of the emergent incidents or they want to buy a house to seek for the sense of security. There is a classic example shows the different viewpoints of using money. There are two ladies who came from China and America. The Chinese lady saved money for her whole lifetime to buy a house when she was old, while the American lady paid off house loan at the old age. The latter enjoyed the comfortable life for a long time, though she did not have enough money. Money should be spent in the right way and fulfill its value.


