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所有亚洲人看起来都一样吗 Do All the Asian People Look the Same 英语范文

高中英语作文的写作能力是语文学习中的重要组成部分,写作能力的培养十分重要。也希望自己写作文时文不加点?这篇所有亚洲人看起来都一样吗 Do All the Asian People Look the Same 英语范文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

According to the research, in the western countries, people can't figure out Asian faces, so in their eyes, all the Asian people look the same. But the situation is different in Asia, people can figure out most of western faces. It is not because foreigners are easy to be recognize, but we have access to the western culture and get familiar with their features. Western people can't recognize the Asian faces because most of them know little about Asian culture. Hollywood culture is popular around the world. It is the mainstream, while it is not hard to find that people barely can find the Asian image in the screen. Because of the lack of Asian culture export, western people don't know the features and they are easily to treat all the Asian people look as the same.



有关老一辈有义务去照顾小孩子吗 Is It the Old Generation's Duty to Look After Kids英语范文

Many years ago, in order to control the fast growing population, the government carried out the policy of Family Plan, which indeed helped to control the population and make Chinese economy develop fast. Now, the second child policy has been advocated. It is the good news for those families who want to raise one more child. But the problem comes. Many young people need to go to work and they don't have much time to take care of the new born babies, so they ask their parents to look after their babies. As a result, it seems to be the old generation's duty to look after the little kids. According to the report, a retired woman became depressed after taking care of her daughter's second child. Actually, the young people should not rely on their parents too much. Everyone has their personal space.



I want to invent a robot, it is the name of a search robots.

Its head is a bit, it is to use to drill. Feet on each side of an eruption, with it, drill the hard land, is much easier. It is one of the first red sensor, 100 meters away if there is a treasure, the red sensor will turn red, and then send out the voice of "ding ding". It is 1000 meters long hand, a total of eight, have such a long hand, found the treasure, if within 1000 meters, you don't have to run to the above and put the treasure, with his hand to the above place is enough.

The best is its defense and attack capabilities. His foot is 50 kg cannon, sent out a powerful, met drill fixed in the underground, with artillery to open.

Him four iron bars, don't look down upon it, it can produce 100 megawatts of electricity, we cover in electricity shielding, so others can't hurt us.

This is what I want to invent a robot.






流言害死人 Rumor Kills People精选英语作文

Boys will use violence when sometimes they have argument with others. Most boys have gone through such violence, while for girls, they choose to use language violence to attack the people they don't like. In high school, I can always hear girls gossip about other students. The more they talk, the more information they get. But here is the problem, how can they make sure of the news without any evidence. The media have reported the news about some teenager girls kill themselves because of the rumor. They are too young to protect themselves and choose to end their lives. But this only brings suffer to the people they love. Though people won't be punished by the law, they are blame for the tragedy. The one who spreads the rumor is like the murder.


作文题为美国人几乎不存钱 American People Barely Save Money英语范文

In China, it has been the tradition for people to save a lot of money, just in case of the emergent situation. But it is very different for American people. According to research, they don't trend to save money. The different situation has many reasons. First of all, America as the superpower, the government pays most of the bills and people don't have to worry about the emergent. While Chinese people have to pay the bill by themselves, which is a great burden. Secondly, American people are willing to spend the money to find fun, such as traveling around the world. They don't take the house as the big stuff, most whom choose to rent a house. But in China, people care about the house. They need to buy a house and then feel security. It is true that Chinese people are very responsible for the family and money brings the sense of security. Different people have different ways to live.


烟草该禁止吗 Should Tabacco be Banned精选英语作文

We are educated that smoking is harmful to our health, but the fact is that still a lot of people smoke. The old generation has formed this bad habit in the last decades, when people hadn't realized the danger of tabacco. But today, the young people take smoking as a cool thing to gain charm or the social communication seduces them to do it. Smoking for a long time will do harm to lung and blood pressure. Many people died of lung cancer, though there is no direct evidence to show the link between cancer and tabacco. Some people advise to ban selling tabacco. I support this idea, because the second-hand smoke also brings great danger to the innocent people and the person who smokes don't care about it. The best way is to stop people from buying tabacco for everybody's health.


2022最新英语作文真正爱你的人 The People Who Love You

Everybody must have argument with their parents sometimes, because when people stay with each other for a long time, it is inevitable for them to have argument. For me, when I am in bad mood, I don't want to talk to my parents, especially when my mother keeps babbling. I will be angry and shout at her. I will feel guilty and say sorry when I calm down. I understand it is none of my mother's business. I should not let her feel sad. This situation happens in most people. They leave the bad temper to the persons who really love them, while keeping the good attitude to the strangers. Our parents and genuine friends will not leave us no matter what happens and they support us all the time, so they deserve our love and respect. The wise person will be nice to the close people.


