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2022最新满分英语作文特别的礼物 Special Gift

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Though Lucy sometimes is very naughty, she is a good girl. Someday, when she is shopping with her mother, she wants her mother to buy a dress for her, but her mother refuses, because Lucy has too much clothes. Lucy feels so lost. But two days later, her mother gives her the special gift and it is the dress. This is love from a mother.



2022最新满分英语作文小天使 Little Angel

My mother always complain that my sister and I are trouble makers, because we will make things worse. Actually, I am the one who make mistakes all the time, and my sister will help me to solve the problem. Sometimes, she is afraid that my mother will blame me, so she take my responsibility. She is my angel and I am so thankful to her.


作文题为最好的礼物 The Best Gift小学英语作文

Lily’s birthday is coming soon, and her parents have promised to give her a big surprise. When that day comes, they bring her to the amusement park. Lily has found the great joy there. She can play all the items. She is so excited, because she hasn’t done it before. Her parents company her all the time. What a great gift.


2022最新满分英语作文最大的幸福 The Great Happiness

Though I was born in an ordinary family, I live the happy life. My parents will stand by my side when I meet trouble, especially my mother. She will cook a lot of delicious food, so I am so excited to come back home from school. I know my mother has prepared great food for me. What a great happiness for me.


2022最新英语作文路 Road

My mother always tried to let me make my own choice. She wants me to be independent. Sometimes I make mistakes, but my parents won't blame me. So even I chose the wrong road, but I learn the precious lesson. It helps me become stronger. Never to be afraid of making mistakes, because nobody can take the right road all the time.


2022最新英语作文温暖 Warm

There is an old lady who lives next to my house, she is always alone. One day, I asked her why she was always only one. She told me that her son was very busy, so he couldn’t often visit her. I felt sorry for her and I would spend some time with her when I had time. She liked to talk to me and said that I was a warm person.

有一位老奶奶住在我家隔壁,她总是一个人。有一天,我问她为什么总是一个人, 她告诉我她的儿子很忙, 所以,他不能经常去看她。我为她感到难过。只要有时间我就会去看她花些时间和她在一起。她喜欢跟我说话,说我是个温暖的人。

