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there is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. the limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. how to solve the headache?

the existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aims at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. it is a cheap and good way. we can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. the effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic.



There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban areas. Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush hours. The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing problem. How to solve the headache?

The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major roads. Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some level. Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass transportation. It is a cheap and good way. We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth traffic.


With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of heavy traffic in the city.

I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before. But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be greatly cut down.

As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in our traffic work.


Life only have once, and people often do not pay attention to traffic safety has ruined my life.

In order to cut a lot of people, some do not go sidewalks or not go zebra crossing, don't look at the traffic lights, the rampage; Some in order to save time, resolutely climb over the rail, and the traffic safety of cloud nine. The results...

Now many people, cycling speed is very fast, there seems to be a urgent matter, the elderly, is unimaginable.

One night, I was window to write my homework, feel very tired, leaning in the window to have a rest. Suddenly, a young man, think good, extremely unexpectedly sit bicycle handlebar, not casual. But "it is the unforeseen that always have blessed", positive impact a flying motorcycle, because young people turn when too late, just listen to "bang" to a young man was playing out, head on the concrete, blood all over the floor, unconscious. I am a pain in the heart: a life will disappear in this way? How to call a person not forget!

Hi, do not obey the traffic rules, it is a price to pay, the consequences will be disastrous. "Traffic safety" in your heart, let us consciously abide by traffic rules, in order to avoid the happiness and sadness!




有一天晚上,我正在窗前写作业,感到十分疲惫,便倚在窗前休息.忽然,一个年青人,自以为车技好,竟然坐自行车不扶车把手,漫不经心.但“天有不测风云,人有旦夕之福”,正面冲一辆飞一般的摩托车,由于年青人来不及时转弯,只听 “砰”地一声年青人被弹出去,头撞在水泥地上,血溅了一地,不省人事.我心里一痛:一个生命就这样消失了?怎叫人不刻骨铭心!


对未来交通的畅想 The Imagination of Future Transportation精选英语作文

Many years ago, I saw a science fiction film, which described a future world. The way people lived was very different. They could drive cars in the sky. Everything in the future world was so convenient. Since then, I was always curious about how the future world would become. The fling cars seemed so ridiculous for now, but thinking about more than 100 years ago, people never thought about flying in the sky, but now we could take planes and traveled around the world. Everything was possible. What's more, the development of technology is so fast that the world changes so much every ten years. Nowadays, people can pay the bill online. No matter where they go, a cell phone can solve most problems. I believe that future transportation will be much efficient and will surprise us all.


